In my home my wife & I watch tv in bed. Typically I put the TV sleep timer on before turning over to get some sleep. The main reason is for Katie. TV before bed helps her sleep and prevents the brain from being consumed with (1 * 10^6) thoughts. I personally don't like but marriage is a compromise
Now lately TV has been bombarded with political ad's. Since I do most TV watching during night News programs it's to much for me to handle. The political ads in Florida are so exaggerated and the mud slinging drives me nuts. I get so irrigated from both political parties I have to change the channel or just turn the tv off.
That is the reason for this post, its past 1:30 AM and I was watching late night with Jimmy Fallon. During each commercial break I keep hearing these political ad's. It's just driving me nuts and I would turn the tv off but I am far too amped up (went to bed early then woke up and can't sleep). I would end up just trying to sleep but will be restless. That situation just causes issues for Katie or anyone else to get a good night's sleep.
Arggh just needed to vent. I wonder if I will edit this post in the morning? My grammer skills have always been poor and hover around the 7th grade level. I know for a fact my writing skills deteriorate later at night. Where would I be without the automatic spell check in my internet browser?!?